Welcome to the Little Compton Wellness Center Website
Live Well - Do More
March is National Nutrition Month
Monthly Health Observances for 2025. The LC Wellness Center encourages learning about all aspects of wellness and has provided the following resource link:
See Updates & New Info Below…
Whether you're looking for laughter, want to try out Tai Chi, or searching for a way to combat stress through yoga - you are in luck. The Little Compton Wellness Center is offering three new programs in February
If you’ve always wanted to try Tai Chi, check out our $5 Introductory Tai Chi Beginner Class on Monday, February 17 from 3 to 4 p.m. Tai Chi Instructor Colleen She is offering the intro class, followed by a new Beginner Tai Chi Winter Series. This six-session class begins on Monday, February 24 and runs through March 31 from 3 to 4 p.m. The cost is $90 and pre-registration is required. To register, email taichi.reg@gmail.com.
Yoga Nidra Program
Starting on January 9, 2025, the LC Wellness Center will be offering a 9-week Yoga Nidra Class from 5 to 6 p.m. on Thursdays with Instructor Laura Marie. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation practice that leads to deep relaxation and has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as aid with better sleep. The 9-week program will run from January 9-March 27, 2025. (No class on 2/20 and 3/20). Offered as a hybrid class, you can attend in person or online. Contact Laura at lauramariewellness@gmail.com or 978-251-1001 to register. The cost is $90 pre-registered for all 9 classes or $15 drop in anytime. Laura accepts cash, check or Venmo.
Increase the "Play" in Your Life
Do you love to laugh? The LC Wellness Center wants to help increase the "play" in your life by offering you a chance to gather with others on Tuesdays from 4 to 5:15 p.m. to boost your joy level beginning on January 21, 2025. We'll be led by Little Compton Acting Coach Lisa Rowe-Beddoe as she guides us through a series of fun acting exercises, drama games and improvisational techniques. While the main goal is to enjoy laughter with others, Lisa's sessions also help extend physical dexterity and maintain mental agility. The cost is $10. Drop-ins are welcome. This will be a program you won't want to miss. For more information, please call Lisa at 413-330-4720.
If you have a stash of Lees Market receipts and aren’t quite sure where to bring them, the Little Compton Wellness Center will gladly accept them. As a Community Partner, we appreciate their support of local non-profits as well as yours. Thank you!
The Brownell Library offers ADRC (Aging and Disability Resource Center) appointments on one Monday of each month with Maria Sol Cuesta from The Point, part of the United Way of RI. She assists residents in making informed choices and decisions and streamlines access to long-term services and supports for older adults, adults with disabilities and their caregivers. She also answers questions about Medicare, SNAP, subsidies to obtain low cost of medication, RIPAE (RI Pharmaceutical Assistance for Elders), LIHEAP (Low Income Heating Assistance Program). Please call the Brownell Library for more information at 401-635-8562.
Reflexology - Please Welcome Back Jane Weatherby
Please call Jane directly at 401-378-8552 to make an appointment. Click HERE for more info.
Please call Dermot directly at 970-708-5126 to make an appointment.
HAve you ever considered Hypnotherapy?
Marli Carver is now available for sessions for Weight Loss, Stress & Anxiety Management; Grief & Loss, Fears & Phobia, Habit Control, Imagery & NLP, Past Life Regression, and Smoking Cessation.
Please call Marli directly at 401-999-7876 or email her at margaret@bothhandshypnosis.com to make an appointment.
For daily updates, follow us on Facebook at LC Wellness Center or Instagram at littlecompton_wellness center.
Little Compton Senior Services & Van Reservations
Senior Van Availability:
First Monday of the Month - Ride to Dartmouth Mall
Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Ride to LCCC Senior Lunch
Tuesdays - Ride to Lees Market
Thursday - Ride to Market Basket, Walmart
For More Information Please call 401-777-9700
Please email our Director, Heather Fitzgerald, office@lcwellness.org or call her at 401-592-0400 for more information
MONDAY 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
TUESDAY 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
WEDNESDAY 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
THURSDAY 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
FRIDAY - Office is Closed
For the full listing of current classes and programs, visit Current Programs Page.