Current Weekly Programs Are Listed Below

The Little Compton Wellness Center is proud to offer the following programs to our community.

Click HERE to view via the Calendar

Special Programs to Note…

New 9-week Yoga Nidra Class with Laura Marie offered from on Thursdays from 5 to 6 p.m. beginning on1/9/25 to 3/27/25. Call 978-251-1001 or email lauramariewellness@gmail for more info or to register. (No class on 3/20)

Add more “Play” to your Life - New Class with Lisa Rowe-Beddoe beginning 1/21/25 on Tuesdays from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Call Lisa for more information at 413-330-4720.

Quilting Group meets Mondays from 9am to 12noon.

Hypnotherapy with Marli Carver - Click HERE for the flyer or click HERE for her website.

Reflexology with Jane Weatherby - Please call her at 401-378-8552. Click HERE for more info.

Curls & Crunches Fitness Class

Mondays from 8:00 to 9:00am. (After 1/20/25, this class will be taught by Rita Kenahan until mid-April.)

Fridays from 7:50 to 8:45am. (After 1/17/25, this class will be paused until mid-April.)

Drop-In fee of $10.

Cindy Wentworth will lead an exercise class designed to increase physical strength through weight bearing & resistance exercises with dumbbells, bands, & ankle weights.

LC Quilters Club

Mondays from 9:00am - 12:00 pm

This group makes beautiful quilts for donation to someone who may need comfort at Lucy's Hearth or McCauley House which provide shelters for families and children in crisis. Please note that this is not an instructional class.

Tai Chi

Taught by Colleen Shea, Be Balanced Tai Chi & Qigong, LLC

Tai Chi Paradigm: Monday from 12:30 - 1:30pm

Tai Chi Health: Monday from 2:00 - 3:00pm

Tai Chi Beginner Winter Series 3:00 - 4:00pm (Intro Class on 2/17/25 - Followed by Six Session Series 2/24-3/31/25)

This is excellent starting place for beginners and may be practiced by anyone and everyone who wants a gentle, low impact exercise for better health. Wear comfortable attire. Footwear is required, no sandals. A thin sole flexible sneaker is ideal.

To Register Click this link:

French Conversation

With Dominique Coulumbe (Zoom Only)

Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00pm.

Ex.Tension Exercise

Taught by Mary Derbyshire (Hybrid - in person & Zoom)

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-10:00am

Join Mary for a lively exercise and movement class coupled with the Alexander Technique to improve balance and increase mobility.


Taught by Fatima Devine.

Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:30am

$10 per class, drop-ins welcome

Zumba is a form of Latin Dance fitness which combines easy to follow dance steps with upbeat international rhythms to create a great cardio workout.  This class is great for beginners - no experience is necessary, and all fitness levels are welcome!

Gentle Yoga

Taught by Lindsay Williams.

Wednesdays 8:45am -10:00am

Physical, emotional, and spiritual strength, flexibility, and balance are also attained in her classes.

Kindermotion -

Wednesdays afternoon.

For more info, please call 401-307-1998, or

Thighs, Butts, & Guts

Wednesdays at 10:30am

Led by Monica Kaufman

Monica lead you to a better physical functioning, improve balance and increase more energy to get going each day. Personalized training with everyone doing the same exercises but with different weights. Maintain your health & fitness throughout the year. No better time to start than right now. What are you “weighting” for?

$15 per class

YOGA Nidra

Led by Laura Maria

Thursdays 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Starting on 1/9/25 we’ll be offering a 9-week Yoga Nidra class that runs from January 9 through March 27th. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation practice that leads to deep relaxation and has been show to reduce stress, anxiety and depression as well as aid with better sleep.

Offered as a hybrid class, you can attend in person or online. Contact Laura at or 978-251-1001 to register. Cost is $120 pre-registered for all 9 classes or $15 drop in anytime. (No Class on 2/20 or 3/20). Laura accepts cash, check or Venmo.


Led by Katherine Brown

Fridays 9:00am - 10:00am

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Problems - We have the potential to free ourselves from all our problems, but ​we ​first​ need to ​identify them ​correctly​.​ Each class includes a teaching and guided meditation. No experience is needed and you don’t need to be a Buddhist. Everyone is welcome!

Click Here to Register OR click Here for her class information.

Balance Class

Taught by Monica Kaufman

Fridays 10:30 to 11:30am - Free

If you have ever fallen, or have a fear of falling, this is where you need to be.  Easy, light exercising to strengthen your body...for men and women alike.

Therapeutic Massage

Lisa Marie Anderson graduated with honors from CCRI's Therapeutic Massage Program. She believes in the therapeutic values and outcome of massage therapy and endeavors to created a peaceful, safe and relaxing space for her clients. She continues to regularly take education classes to better her techniques and massage style. Call Lisa Marie at 401-895-0817.

HEaling Hands

Sarah C. Whitehead is a shamanic healer and Buddhist meditation teacher based in Little Compton, RI. Sarah's holistic approach to healing is comprised of energy work (like Reiki but different), herbalism, and spiritual guidance.

Please directly contact Sarah at 401-464-1634 to schedule an appointment.


Marli Carver’s specialties include but are not limited to:

  • Weight Loss

  • Stress and anxiety management

  • Grief and loss

  • Fears and phobias

  • Habit control

  • Imagery and NLP

  • Past life regression

  • Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation during which suggestions are made to create beneficial changes in thoughts or behaviors. In hypnosis the mind is open to new ideas which encourages a balanced receptive approach to solving problems. It provides tools to manage everyday stresses and habits while giving respite to the overworked mind. We all know taking care of our physical body is important, but few people stop to think about how our minds quite literally never stop working for us.

By appointment only. Please contact Marli by text, email or phone at 401-999-7876 or to arrange a consultation. Please click HERE for her website.


Jane Weatherby

Reflexology is a healing form of body work. The effects are accumulative and powerful. The ancient healing modality is an art and a science which enhances healing potential and inner peace.

Therapeutic Reflexology provides a means to balance the body system, reduce pain, and achieve homeostasis. Click HERE fore more information.

Please call or text Jane directly at 401-378-8552 to schedule your appointment.

Health Coaching

Cindy Wentworth is available. Please call Cindy at 401-683-8364 or click here for more info.

adult wellness clinic

Operated by Nan Haffenreffer, Sponsored by Visiting Nurse Home & Hospice

The last Thursday of every month from 11:00am-12:00pm

Nan checks blood pressure, gives vitamin B-12 shots and discusses individual health questions

Podiatry Clinic

Offered by Alan Lechan, D.P.M.

Dr. Alan Lechan received his degree from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine  and did a Residency at the Cambridge Hospital in Cambridge, MA. He has been a valued and convenient resource to the Little Compton and surrounding communities for over thirty years.

The last Thursday of every month from 10:00am-2:00pm

By appointment only: please call (508) 679-6169